Tiny Bugs in House Near Window – Identification & Removal

What are these tiny Black, Brown or Grey bugs near my Windows and Windowsills?

How did they get into my house and how can I prevent them from coming back?

In this guide you will learn:

  • What exactly are these Bugs near your Window,
  • Why bugs are attracted to your windows so much,
  • Why bugs tend to die on window sills
  • How to get rid of the Small window bugs & Prevent Future infestations

Isn’t it such a nuisance to see a small swarm of tiny, black or brown bugs buzzing around your windows?

Well, be annoyed no longer, because once you read this, you will know all about these tiny pests and how to prevent them from returning in the future.

Tiny Black Bugs In House Near Window

1.Phorid Flies

At first glance, you may think that these tiny bugs are fruits flies, when they are actually phorid flies!

Phorid flies are tiny, hump-backed bugs that usually prefer to scuttle around on your windowsill to escape rather than use their wings.

This gave them the alternate name, scuttle fly.

Usually, these pests prefer to be outside around flowers or anything that could be decaying.

In the summertime, phorid flies become quite attracted to the lights on your porch and will end up at your windows.

The flies will breed wherever there is enough moisture once they’re inside your home, so be sure to catch this infestation before it gets out of hand.

I can not stress enough how important it is to stop this infestation as soon as you spot it near your window.

Phorid flies can be one of the most dangerous bugs to humans as they are capable of carrying diseases from one place to another, especially since they prefer to snack on decaying matter and animal droppings.

Severe reactions have been reported by many people who have come in contact with phorid flies, so be careful when handling this infestation or hire a professional. 

To keep these nasty tiny black bugs  away from your home and windows, you simply have to commit to keeping it clean!

This involves placing old food in your outside garbage bin, clean up your pet’s droppings both inside and outside, cleaning your dishes after every meal and regularly vacuuming your floors.

Also, make sure and pay attention to the walls and foundation around your home and seal any holes that you may see.

One more thing that most people tend to forget when trying to rid their home of phorid flies is to make sure that your gutter is draining properly.

If rainwater is still stuck in your gutters, then it’s closer to the interior of your home, which can create the moist spots that these tiny flies love so much.


Wondering why are there so many gnats on your window?

They’re annoying enough outside, so the last thing you would want is for them to be inside too.

Like the other pests, they can be found around your windows if you have failed to store fruits and vegetables properly.

They’re also attracted to houseplants that usually sit in your windows. One species of gnat, called the fungus gnat, will even reproduce in the soil of your potted plants.

Most gnats aren’t dangerous to humans, but they can be known to bite every now and then. While some people might have a severe reaction to a gnat bite, others will simply have a small, red bump where they were bitten and it would only be slightly itchy and irritated.

Other Small Black Bugs Most Often Found At Windowsills:

There is a variety of other small black bugs you can find on your windows & windowsills , such as:

Tiny Black Bugs In House Near Window That Bite:

Many of the tiny black bugs that we find near our windows thankfully do not bite humans, and the ones that do don’t pose much of a threat.

Either way, it’s still important to learn which bugs you need to be careful around when you’re trying to get rid of them.

  • Bed bugs
  • Horseflies
  • Ticks
  • Mites
  • Phorid Flies

Small Brown Bugs In House Near Window

1.Carpet Mites

Carpet Mites are a species that are considered a true mite, as they have eight legs instead of six.

These tiny bugs are mostly brown in color with splotches of white and black all along its body and they can usually get into your home though an open door or window.

Occasionally, carpet mites can be brought into your home and ending up near your windows, by bringing in an already infested item from outside.

Usually, these items would consist of furniture or furs.

These tiny brown bugs can be found just about anywhere, but they can mostly be found in your carpets or closets. Baseboards and air vents unfortunately aren’t safe from carpet mites either.

There are a handful of signs that will let you know that you have a carpet mite infestation in your home and near your Windows!

One of the easiest ways to tell that you have carpet mites would be the damage on your comfortable blankets, wool clothings, and other things that could be in your wardrobe.

If you look closely in certain hidden areas or around your windowsills, you might also be able to see the already shed larval skins.

It’s a pretty gross find, but it is still an obvious sign of an infestation.

The most obvious and probably most disturbing sign of an infestation of these tiny brown bugs near your window, would to actually see the carpet mites crawling up your walls as well as seeing them dead on your windowsills.

Fortunately for us, carpet mites have no desire to bite humans. They fit in with the scavengers, which means that these pests mostly enjoy feasting on dead animal products.

2.Clover Mites

The most common tiny brown or red insect you will find on your window sill is the Clover Mite, which is a close relative of ticks and spiders.

They are considered a true mite, and not the common insect.

Thankfully, they are no threat to humans and they’re not capable of passing on any diseases.

They are simply a nuisance that will infest your windows, walls, and even curtains.

These Clover mites that can be often found near your windows are  tiny and can be red or brown in color (the younger ones are a brighter red) and since they are mites and not insects, you will notice that they have eight legs instead of six.

You can easily identify clover mites by looking at their top two legs, which looks a lot like a pair of antennae.

Even though clover mites are quite the nuisance to deal with, they are thankfully not harmful at all to humans.

Even your pets are safe from these tiny pests! Other than having them in your home in general, the most they can actually do is leave nasty stains when they are accidentally crushed.

Clover mites normally like to stay in the sunniest part of your home, windows and windowsills are places where these smell brown bugs will be found quite a lot!

So if you’re noticing the signs of an infestation, it would be wise to start using your preventatives in the parts of your home that gets the most sunlight.

Tiny Grey Bugs Found Near Windows


The silverfish is a common small grey bug/insect that can be found by your windowsills.

Silverfish can be found mostly in places that are warm and moist, and a common place for that is usually your windows.

They can be easily distinguished by their silvery, metallic color and their fish-like appearance.

Like many other pests, silverfish can enter your home through tiny holes and cracks in the foundation or by gaps in your doors.

Luckily for us, silverfish aren’t harmful to humans and they also don’t carry any known diseases.

They mostly just do damage to your belongings, like clothes and books along with food you’ve been storing.


Booklice is an extremely tiny grey bug that can be pretty hard to spot when they’re not in a giant swarm.

They usually have a grey color to them, but they can also be seen as white or brown in color.

Unsurprisingly, booklice got their name because they tend to be found alongside books because they enjoy feasting on the paste in the books that hold them together.

They enjoy being in environments with a high temperature and humidity, and that is why you can also find them along your window sills.

Why Are Bugs Attracted To My Windows So Much?

There are a number of reasons why all of these small bugs can be attracted to your windows. Let’s go over the top three reasons:


It’s common knowledge that many bugs are attracted to light, and when it’s dark and there is light coming through your windows, they are instantly going to be drawn to it.

These pests can also get in your homes when the weather is warmer and the windows tend to be left open more often


Vision varies a good bit in insects from species to species. Certain pests that have bad eyesight can actually get stuck in the window because they simply can’t see well enough to escape.

Most insects are legally blind as well, and they usually have a hard time focusing. This is one of the most common reasons why you might have these tiny bugs near your windows!

Heat and Humidity

The majority of these tiny bugs are all incredibly attracted to areas of your home that are high in temperature and humidity.

For some species, these are the only places where they are able to thrive and reproduce.

How Do I Get Rid Of The Small Bugs On My Windows

One of the best ways to get rid of the tiny bugs on your windows is to consistently keep your area, and especially your kitchen, clean and tidy.

The majority of these tiny pests enjoy sweets and fruity smells, so they’re instantly going to be attracted to anything you’ve forgotten to put away properly.

Keeping things clean is the best way to prevent these pests from wanting to come back.

Keeping Bugs Off your Windows at Night…

Citronella oil has been the public’s top pick for insect repellent.

This is a great product that can be used by spritzing it onto your window sills whenever you need to.

Although, citronella oil is toxic to your pets. So if you share your home with any furry friends, this may not be the best pick for you.

A safe, family and pet-friendly way to prevent bugs in the windows, especially at night, is to plant mint and rosemary outside of your home.

These scents may be pleasant to us, so much so that we incorporate them into our foods and beverages, but pests cannot stand them!

This is a great method to use when you do not have an infestation of these tiny bugs yet, but you want to prevent one from happening in the future.

Consider using Vinegar…

One of the best ingredients that you might already have in your kitchen that you can spray on your windows to keep these small bugs away is vinegar.

Although, make sure you’re not using only vinegar because that would be a particularly strong scent.

Mix your white vinegar with water in a spray bottle and give your window sills a good spray with the concoction.

Tiny Bugs Coming Through Window – What To Do

So you’ve noticed a small infestation of tiny, annoying bugs in your window and you have no idea where to start on how to rid of them?

Let’s go over the first two steps in stopping an infestation:

First, look over the infestation closely.

Identify the type of bug infiltrating your home and do the proper research to determine the best way to get rid of them and if they are safe to get rid of on your own.

Small infestations can be knocked out easily with homemade concoctions, like mixing your white vinegar with water and spraying it directly onto your window sills.

Then, look around your home and clean up any trash you may see.

Some pests are attracted to old food and rotten fruits, so make sure to throw those out and store your food properly.

Vacuuming your carpets regularly to pick up any crumbs is an important step that people can easily forget as well.

What’s up with bugs that Keep Flying Into your window…

Most insects are considered to be legally blind, believe it or not, so it can be incredibly hard for these tiny bugs to focus and see.

They are also known to be color blind, so they also have a hard time distinguishing certain colors from each other.

These two factors combined is what causes these insects to fly straight into our windows.

Preventing The Small Window Bugs In The Future

In this article, we have gone over many different and effective ways on how to get rid of and prevent bugs from infesting our windows and homes.

Let’s go over a few of the best ways people have prevented pests from infiltrating their homes.

1.Clean, clean, clean!

A clean home is a happy home and it is also free from the tiny bugs! As we have discussed earlier, be sure to keep your kitchen clean of old food, dirty dishes, and rotten fruits and vegetables.

Vacuum, dust, and disinfect regularly. Clean your Windows and windowsills.

Don’t forget about your bathroom and bathroom windows either!

2.Fill the holes and cracks

These pests are tiny and they can fit through just about any space, no matter how small.

This is why it is incredibly important to fill in any hole or cracks you see in the foundation of your home and in your window sills.

3.Safe and Natural Preventatives

If you’re wanting to avoid certain sprays and chemicals for the safety of your family, pets, and the environment, then you can start by planting plenty of mint and rosemary plants around the outside of your home.

These tiny bugs near your windows can’t stand the scent of these two plants, so it serves as a natural repellent.

Related Questions

Why Do Bugs Die On Window Sills?

Natural light is one of the insects’ biggest attractions, and when they’re stuck inside and they see the light coming through the window, they see it as a way to get out.

Sadly, the mesh of the screen or the glass prevent them from escaping, so the bugs end up dying from exhausting after so many failed attempts to get outside.

What are Tiny Bugs In Bathroom Window Sills?

The most common insects you can find in your bathroom windows are usually going to be cockroaches, silverfish, ants, and drain flies.

Like other pests, they are mostly attracted to the moisture in your bathroom and they can be prevented from returning by making sure to clean your bathroom regularly.

What Bugs Lay Eggs On Windows?

These would be Moths/Cutworms.

Around late summer and early fall, moths will lay their eggs in clusters on your windows. These egg clusters are pretty hard to miss since they are normally yellow or white in color.

If you’re seeing a cluster of tiny, but not quite microscopic white dots on your window, then what you’re seeing are hundreds of cutworm eggs that were laid by and adult moth.

Cutworms are also known as moth larvae.

Can Bedbugs Live On Window Sills?

Essentially, bedbugs live wherever they can find food. Sometimes, that just so happens to be in your bed.

So that means, they can also be found on your window sills!

Bed bugs are well-known to be hitchhikers and they like to hide in just about anywhere they can fit.

This include cracks in the wall, your furniture, laundry room (they can also be attracted to the scent of dirty clothes), electrical sockets, and your window sills.