Do Mothballs Keep Raccoons Away? Mothballs To Repel Raccoons

Found yourself in a predicament with a raccoon family and wondering if the neglected mothballs on the dusty garage shelf will keep them away?

In this guide you will learn:

  • If Mothballs can be Used to Keep Raccoons Away,
  • Just How Effective are Mothballs to Repel Raccoons,
  • Legality & Dangers of Using Mothballs,
  • Other Methods to keep Raccoons away.

Mothballs exert a strong smell that can repel all kinds of critters and pests, including raccoons.

Mothballs placed in strategic places can often keep raccoons away, that is if the raccoon is not very determined!

However, some people have reported that raccoons will often kick them to the side and continue on.

They don’t always work keeping them away and having them there may make you ill and not get rid of the raccoons effectively.

Therefore, other deterrents may be better at keeping Raccoons away.

How Effective Are Mothballs To Repel Raccoons?

Mothballs can work great at first to Repel Raccoons, that is until they learn the threat…

Raccoons are very smart and adaptable and therefore mothballs can often be ineffective repellents towards raccoons.

This is because raccoons can easily learn to recognise what they are and learn to avoid them with time…

Essentially you would need to use too many mothballs to cover the area to be effective against Raccoons, using too many of them is not the best idea…

Mothballs are moth repellents and aren’t really designed to keep away racoons.

They Are also Illegal to be used in the USA against Raccoons, as they are harmful for humans and pets, as well as other wildlife due to the chemicals they can give off.

There have also been reports of raccoons simply ignoring the mothballs making other repellents better options to use. 

Mothball Toxicity To Raccoons

Mothballs are not extremely toxic to Raccoons since raccoons are fairly large animals, but they do exert a potent smell that raccoons dislike the smell of.

Experts have suggested that mothballs and other homemade remedies can be temporary measures and will not keep raccoons away forever, they have been known to kick mothballs to the side, so they are not in the way of where they want to go.

They are more toxic to you and other critters than to the raccoons.

You may not wish to use them as they may not get rid of raccoons, but they will kill any insects in the ground and possibly smaller animals such as squirrels or skunks.

How To Use Mothballs To Repel Raccoons.

Provided it’s legal in your Area/Country, You can scatter mothballs around places where raccoons may enter the property at any fence openings, by trash cans and hollow trees or other places they may be looking to nest, such as burrows.

If the mothballs are fresh and they can’t easily get around the mothballs, there is a good chance the Raccoon will actually not bother further and perhaps go to your neighbour!

However, there may be better methods as leaving them out in the garden can cause harm as the gas will be released from them and they can take months to fully decompose.

They may be especially dangerous if you use them openly in your home such as the attic where raccoons may be, or even by your trash cans as it is somewhere you frequently need to go.

Use as the label directs.

Dangers Of Using Mothballs As Raccoon Repellents.

Mothballs contain many harmful chemicals that are particularly toxic to humans and can also be to pets.

The chemicals can also take a toll on your health, causing headaches, nausea, eye and nose irritation and coughing.

Mothballs contains Naphthalene and enough exposure can cause more serious health effects such as Hemolytic anaemia.

Mothballs are intended for indoor usage in closed containers to kill moths.

Outdoor usage such as for raccoons is dangerous as they can contaminate both the water and the soil, killing other wildlife and also contribute to the air pollution.

The odour given off can also be especially harmful for children and pets such as dogs or cats.

Using them is not worth the health risk compared to other methods of deterrents, as they are often ignored by raccoons anyway.

Is It Legal To Use Mothballs To Deter Raccoons in the USA?

No, they must be used against clothes moths indoors in closed containers and in a controlled environment as they can be harmful to people and other animals and pets. Raccoons are protected in the US from the use of mothballs.

They are regulated by the Environmental protection agency. They must be used as specified by the label, which is indoors in containers against moths.

It is illegal in the USA to use them in ways stated contrary to the directions on the label.

They must be used indoors, in closed containers for the control of clothes moths. It is illegal to use them outdoors and against raccoons.

Mothball Alternatives To Keep Raccoons Away.

Ammonia-soaked rags can help keep them away due to the fact they hate the strong stench. These should be placed anywhere that raccoons may enter the property.

Loud music can also be played outside on a portable radio as the noise will deter them. Motion detector lights may also scare them away.

Remember to check with neighbours about the music or raccoons won’t be your only enemies!

Keeping the yard clean of trash and food will also keep them away as this is what they come to look for. They are looking for warmth and a quiet place to shelter close to food, so making these things for inaccessible is a deterrent.  Like keeping any water points locked.

Raccoons generally dislike strong smells, and you can make up a cayenne pepper solution in a spray bottle and spray it at any entry points.

Also check that sheds and attics can be tightly sealed and there is no spare insulation hanging around as they like to nibble on that.

Ultimately, raccoons aren’t a problem to you unless they are a frequent visitor or physically inside your home. Pest control should be called in this instance and leave any windows and doors open for the animal to make its own way out.

Related Topics.

Mothballs To Keep Away Raccoons From Chickens

Mothballs can be very harmful to chickens, so they are not the best preventative measure to use around chickens to it is better to use protective chicken wire securely placed in the ground.

Wire is best as raccoons cannot get underneath or over the top.

You also need to use complicated latches on the gate as raccoons are very intelligent and will have no trouble getting past simple locks.

Use Of Mothballs In Flowerpots

The chemicals in mothballs can seep into the soil and penetrate it with toxic elements. The chemicals can also get into groundwater and contaminate the soil.

This is harmful as it will damage and kill the plants and any critters working the soil.

Mothballs are also not meant to be used outside as they can cause air pollution and harm the plants and wildlife.

This can also have harmful effects on you, your family and pets as the chemicals will be exerted through the air and can take more than three months to decompose fully.